About us

Noise control engineering solutions in urban aglomerations

We are a team of specialists, engineers and designers with over 10 years of experience in designing, constructing and maintaining railway infrastructure in Poland and other countries. Our solutions combine innovation, aesthetics and effectiveness, while the focus is also on the quality of workmanship and affordable prices. Bahati Rail projects are responses to actual needs; their effectiveness is confirmed by detailed calculations and tests.

What is our field of specialisation?

Proprietary solutions

Our proprietary solutions are based on our knowledge on railway, construction, acoustic and environmental engineering.



We carry out multidisciplinary infrastructural projects in the field of commune transport, from feasibility studies to detailed designs.



We carry out and supervise the construction and repair work of railway lines, tramway lines, railway/road junctions and industrial construction.


Proprietary solutions

We protect residents against noise while taking care of the esthetic value of surrounding landscapes

In Poland, noise protection often means unattractive high noise barriers, usually covered with graffiti. In many cases, they are designed and erected in wrong places, without taking into consideration their surroundings. In response to the problems of people who live next to railway lines and institutions responsible for reducing noise to acceptable levels, we implement engineering solutions that ensure savings, quick delivery and effectiveness.

Kompleksowy i modułowy system akustyczny

· kompleksowe rozwiązanie ochrony przed hałasem dla kolei jako element infrastruktury,
· dobór optymalnych rozwiązań do miejscowych potrzeb technicznych, środowiskowych i społecznych.

Low noise barriers

The innovative solution that makes no harm to the landscape:
- aesthetic and modular components,
- cheaper construction and maintenance,
- clean track bed and good drainage,
- no impediments for work trains.

Acoustic asorbers S&V (Schrey & Veit)

Rail absorbers are an efficient way to reduce the rolling noise of passing trains. They are designed to dampen rail vibrations to prevent the propagation of rolling noise. Their design allows for track maintenance (e.g., tamping, rail grinding) without removing the absorbers.

Rail absorbers

Rails absorbers are very effective. On the PKP PLK network trial site, which has been tested over 10 months by a certified unit, noise reduction up to 4.9dB has been achieved , which is equivalent to a reduction similar to a 2-meter noise barrier.


Bridge absorbers

Not only rails but also steel bridges can be equipped with absorbers achieving a significant reduction of such characteristic rumbling


Wheel absorbers

For Warsaw Tramways network with our German partner S&V, we have created and delivered prototypes of absorber that eliminate the characteristic squealing noise of trams on tight curves.



We took part in multidisciplinary projects aimed at modernising railway lines in Poland and the UK.

Central railway lines

Designing the railway network in the 54-kilometre section of the E65 Warsaw–Gdynia railway line within the local traffic management centre in Iława, including the elimination of the majority of two-level junctions due to increasing velocity from 120 to 200 km/h.

Designing the 12-kilometre cargo railway line between Pruszcz Gdański and Gdańsk Port Północny, together with land reinforcement in floodplains and high railway embankments near the 120-meter bridge over the Dead Vistula river.

Regional and municipal railways

Preparing a technical part of the technical/economic/environmental study regarding the connection between the airport in Bydgoszcz with Bydgoszcz Główna railway station in 4 options, including the construction of new 4.5 to 5.4 kilometres of railway tracks, 5 or 8 junctions, 4 platforms on 2 passenger stations, with the final selection of the optimum solution that would be satisfactory to the largest number of potential passengers.

Designing and repairing railway lines in the UK

Carrying out over sixty projects as well as technical supervision activities over the modernisation of railway lines in South and West England. The railway lines were designed and constructed in the nineteenth century by Isambard Brunel acting as the main engineer. The shape of railway tracks, bridges and tunnels was adjusted even as long time ago to the speed of 140 km/h, or even 180 km/h in the case of the section between Bristol and Exeter.


We are contractors and partners in railway and tramway infrastructure construction projects, such as:

Revitalisation of Dolne Miasto in Gdańsk

We were involved in the project aimed at revitalising Dolne Miasto in Gdańsk, which won an award from the European Commission. It was our task to recover, clean and re-install the ninety-year-old tramway rails at Łąkowa Street.

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Construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway

We were involved in the construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway. Our task was to lead specialised work consisting in welding and grinding of rails and rail junctions.

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Construction of new tram lines in Olsztyn

We took part in the construction of two out of three tramway lines in Olsztyn, where Skanska and Tropol companies were general contractors. This was the first construction of a new tramway line in Poland since 1959.

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Others about us

Learn more about Bahati Rail, our philosophy and success. Read about the innovative nature of low noise barriers in our publications.

Nowoczesne technologie i systemy zarządzania w transporcie szynowym. [Modern technologies and management systems in railway transport]. Conference materials. “Zeszyty naukowo-techniczne Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej”.


Niskie ekrany – skuteczna ochrona przed hałasem w transporcie kolejowym [Low noise barriers – effective protection against noise in railway transport]. “Problemy Kolejnictwa” – Issue 170 (March 2016).


Interview with the CEO of Bahati Rail – Kamil Hajduk. On how to combine railway, ecology and business.


Results of Gdynia Businessplan 2013 competition. 1st award was granted to Bahati Rail's business plan on the modern system of screens reducing the noise emissions in railway transport.


Gdynia Businessplan 2013. Awards for best business ideas. “Dziennik Bałtycki”.


Gdynia Businessplan results. Kamil Hajduk won the 11th edition of Gdynia Businessplan, “Biznes Pomorski”.


Lets work together

About Bahati Rail

“The goal was never to beat the competition, or to make a lot of money. It was to do the greatest thing possible, or even a little greater. “This quotation of Steve Jobs accurately reflects our own goals.

Company’s details

Bahati Rail Sp. z o.o.
REGON: 221909251
NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 586-22-83-659
KRS [National Court Register]: 0000465161

Contact details

ul. Radomska 6
81-500 Gdynia

+48 501 338 700
